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photocell, also known as a photoresistor or light-dependent resistor (LDR), is a fascinating electronic component that responds to changes in light intensity. Let’s delve into the details:

  1. What is a Photocell?

    • A photocell is a light-sensitive module that can alter its resistance based on the amount of light it detects.
    • These sensors are often referred to as Cadmium-Sulfide (CdS) cells and are commonly used in various applications due to their simplicity, low power consumption, and affordability.
    • You’ll find them in gadgets, toys, appliances, and more.
  2. Construction of a Photocell:

    • A typical photocell consists of an evacuated glass tube with two electrodes: the collector and the emitter.
    • The emitter terminal resembles a semi-hollow cylinder and is maintained at a negative potential.
    • The collector terminal, usually a metal, aligns with the axis of the emitter and remains at a positive potential.
    • Pins on the base allow for external connections.
  3. How Does a Photocell Work?

    • The working principle relies on photoelectric effects and changes in electrical resistance.
    • When light strikes the photocell, it converts light energy into electrical energy.
    • Here’s how it happens:
      • The emitter terminal connects to the negative (-ve) battery terminal, while the collector terminal connects to the positive (+ve) terminal.
      • If the frequency of radiation exceeds the material’s threshold frequency in the emitter, photoelectron emission occurs.
      • The photon electrons move toward the collector, creating a flow of current within the circuit.
  4. Applications of Photocells:

    • Sunset to sunrise lighting: Photocells automatically turn on lights when ambient light levels drop.
    • Intruder alarms: They sense changes in light (such as someone entering a room) and trigger alarms.
    • Automatic doors: Photocells detect movement and activate door-opening mechanisms.

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