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A gas jar is a cylindrical container typically made of glass, and it is commonly used in science laboratories. Here are some of its primary uses:

  1. Collecting Gases: A gas jar is designed to hold gases. When conducting experiments, scientists often need to collect gases produced during chemical reactions. The gas jar allows them to capture and observe these gases.

  2. Gas Preparation: In chemistry, gas jars are used for preparing specific gases. For example:

    • Hydrogen Gas: By reacting a metal (such as zinc) with an acid (like hydrochloric acid), hydrogen gas is produced. The gas jar can collect and store the hydrogen gas.
    • Oxygen Gas: Electrolysis of water yields oxygen gas. The gas jar can collect the oxygen produced at the positive electrode.
  3. Testing Gas Properties: Scientists use gas jars to study the properties of different gases. For instance:

    • Density: By comparing the density of a gas with that of air, researchers can determine whether the gas is lighter or heavier than air.
    • Solubility: Some gases dissolve in water. A gas jar can be used to observe the solubility of a gas by collecting it over water.
  4. Demonstrations: Gas jars are often used in educational demonstrations. For example:

    • Collecting Hydrogen: When demonstrating the production of hydrogen gas, a gas jar can collect the gas, which can then be ignited with a lit splint.
    • Collecting Carbon Dioxide: In experiments involving the reaction between an acid and a carbonate, carbon dioxide gas is produced. The gas jar can collect the gas, and its properties (such as extinguishing a flame) can be demonstrated.
  5. Transporting Gases: When transferring gases from one location to another, a gas jar with a tight-fitting lid ensures that the gas remains contained during transportation.

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